Medi Tea Useful in...
There are more number of benefits when you start using Our Medi Tea, Because of its Healthy elements it cures many chronicle diseases. Its used by millions of users and noted many good health benefits, Though its not a Medicine but because of medicinal values its healing many health problems and among few of them are listed below,

Dia- Betes
Madi tea performs a beneficial way on glucose metabolism by using polyphenols in the tea. Consumption of tea may help prevent type 2 Dia-Betes

Nervous System
Iron accumulation in specific brain areas and free radical damage to brain cells are considered the major damaging factors responsible for a wide range of neurodegenerative disorders including both parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease

Heart Disease
In Long drinking Medi regulates Hypertension coronary Arterial Disease, Atherosclerosis and prevents blood clot, cardiovascular disease and Stroke

Anti - Aging
Free radicals are very unstable oxygen molecules; they are the main causes of disease and the aging process. The Catechism are eliminating the free radicals in excess thus restoring the physiological balance.

Rheumatoid arthritis
In Rheumatoid Arthritis regular intake of Bio Tea can inhibits the migration of harmful inflammatory cells towards the joints, which can cause Rheumatoid arthritis and can also prevents the damage of cartilage

Two components of bio tea epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) have significantly reduced the growth of tumors. Tea becomes the plant kingdoms of arnold Schwarzenegger, Helping to terminate Cancer cells

Beati Elixir
Green Tea is an outstanding beauty of elixir catechins contained in the tea much more effective than vitamin c and vitamin E against the free radicals and anti-inflammatory properties helps to remove skin infections and acne.

Weight Loss
The beneficial polyphenols and metilxanthin (Caffeines) interactions leads to thermo genesis helping the weight Loss and stimulating the basal metabolism and lipolysis, It boosts the functionalities of the kidney with consequent increasing diuresis.

Liver and Bile Duct
Level and Bile Duct : Green tea is an alkaline drink and regulates the bile stream, by neutralizing the acids and it corrects the unhealthy food habits by this activity indirectly protects the lever.

Tannis that are contained In bio tea can help to sooth the mucous membrane of stomach and intestines helps to digestive tract diseases related to nervous or inflammatory causes. It also cures constipation and piles.
Herbals Used in Medi Tea and It's Benefits

Ashawangandha (Withania Somnifera)
- It Contains Strong AntiOxidant so slowing aging
- Ashawangandha has a broad spectrum character that has Called it in the name of ‘Indian Ginseng’.
- It Act as a Anti Inflammatory in Osteoarthritis and Other inflammations
- It Reduces the symptoms of anxiety neurosis.

- Has a restorative function after serious injuries or illness.
- Lowers cholesterol and the blood pressure
- Can Relieve the pain and inflammation of arthritis
- Helps lower and eliminating pregnant toxicosis
- Helps improve digestion by stimulating the secretion of Gastric juice
- Is Diaphoretic
- Pure Ginger improves the teeth when chewing it
- Has a Positive effect on male potency

Yashtimadhu (Licorice)
- Yashtimadhu Means licorice plant renowned for its hair roots often referred as DGL
- It helps in preventing the heart disorder by preventing the oxidation of LDL (bad cholesterol)
- Yashtimadhu is that often a natural antacid it helps in treating the gastric and tuo,
- Glycyrrhizin acid and everywhere over the Yashtimadhu helps in regulation of normal adrenal gland. So its best natural remedy for paralysis as well as for depression
- Skin Problem , anticancer, antiviral, bronchitis, anti aging

Bitter Guard (Karela)
- It Influences Glucose metabolism all over the body
- Bitter guard has anthelmintic compounds.
- Karela has anticancer property

Fruit of Jamun
- Extract Bark Seeds and Leaves
- Leaves have Antibacterial Properties and are used for Strengthening Gums and Teeth
- Extract From Seed is used as antidiabetic
- Fruit Having Large Quantities of Minerals and zfever calories compared to other fruits.

Lemon (Citrus aurantifolia L)
- Lemon Contains unique flavonoid compounds that have antioxidant and anti cancer properties.
- Lemon is an excellent source as vit.C one of the important antioxidants in nature vit c is also vital to the function of a strong immune system useful in cold, flu and recurrent ear infection.

Avaethaki (Cassia Auriculata)
- It is a traditional medicine for diabetic,fever, constipation and urinary diseases
- It is used for the treatment of rheumatism, conjunctivitis

Amalaki, Bibhitaki and haritaki
(Indian gooseberry, Belleric, Myrobalan and Chebullic Myrobalan). A popular Saying in India is “ No Mother, do not worry so long as you have triphala”. The Reason triphala is able to care for the body as a mother cares for her children.
- Corrects the Constipation
- Removes excess fat from the body
- Strengthen hair root
- Rich Source of vitamin C
- Contains powerful Antioxidant, Polyphenols Which Reduce Oxidative Stress to body
- Improves Immunity.

Methi (Fenugreek)
- Its High Dietary Fiber Like Galactomannan Which Lowers Down the Absorption of sugar in blood
- It Contains 4 – Hydroxy isoleucine Increases insulin secretion in pancreas and lowers the absorption of glucose
- Seed help in lowering LDL cholesterol in the blood increases HPL in the body
- It helps burn excess fat in the body
- Prevents colon cancer
- It Increase Milk production in lactating women and reducing menopause symptoms

Mint Leaves (Mentha Cordifolia)
Mint Leaves is a herb that is well known throughout the world. Mint is used for variety of products like breath freshness, chewing gum, toothpaste
- Mint Condition capable of calming the stomach
- The Aroma of mint activates the salivary gland that produces digestive enzymes, As a result digestive becomes fluent
- It Reduces nausea
- It Reduces respiratory congestion
- Mint also releases muscles pain
- According to recent research helps in prevention of cancer Cells
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